Welcome to BBCCT

At BBCCT, we specialize in helping individuals having a safe town. As you know Term, Theresa and Rigil walked away from Clock CCT.  Well also Term paused the very first CCT that him and I became good friends on. We will always be good friends but there towns are independent now not CCT.  Then there was Pioneers that was fun too.But that had a short run too  I am Makenzye I haven't walked away from CCT why should I walk away from something that is good for us. We have fun together and make great friends. CCT won't be the same without Term but we can make it work. I will be adding something with CCT in the future like Term did with Pioneers it was fun. So stay tuned.❤️


CCT means Certified Community Town. We thrive to make your town safe and have structure. We try to reduce the drama in ur town. Yes drama is hard to completely get rid of, but if you have good mods that care about your town and follow the rules as a moderator in your town we can do it.

These are the New Board Members of CCT

MamaMak Bunny Mayor of Paris City since 2019

Baked Potatoe Mayor of Baked Potatoes since 2024





Once we observe your town we do a trial run to be sure. If everything goes well with that you will be approved to be a CCT town. 

  • Zariya Mayor Emily Century 4:00 p.m
  • Baked Potatoes Mayor Baked Potato Time slot 8:30 p.m
  • Four Link Clover Mayor Kara Supergirl Time slot 9:00p.m
  • Paris City Mayor ParisCity Mayor Time slot 9:30 p.m
  • Bereal Mayor Mister Bagel Time slot 11:00 p.m

If you can't commit to your time slot. I will advise you to choose a time that fits you the best. A time were you can be at your town for at least 30 minutes four times a week is a must. Also if you have any issues with non cct players let us know. We're here to help you strive in builder buddies cct. Thank you have a blessed day.

This is a old picture from when I became CCT in 2019.


Mayor of Four Link Clover

She was just approved for cct yay


Just informing everyone the town New Hampshire has been removed from CCT.  The mayor is Sad Soul. 


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